


Designed for married & attached
Privacy and Discretion guaranteed
Anonymize profile with Anonymity Tools
Verified profiles, supervised environment
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Anonymous members
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Anonymous members
Designed for married & attached
Privacy and Discretion guaranteed
Anonymize profile with Anonymity Tools
Verified profiles, supervised environment
Anonymity is #1 on VictoriaMilan
plan cul
  • Privacy and Discretion guaranteed
  • 256 bit top-level SSL security
  • Make your profile anonymous with our Anonymity Tools
femme mariée infidele

People near you!

Maximize the Victoria Milan Experience! We show you other members near you. The locations are approximate, maintaining your anonymity, while connecting you to others.

53% / 47%
women-men ratio
Due to the safe environment, we have a helalthy, well balanced gender ratio on VictoriaMilan.
Over 16.000
new members daily
Since 2010 VictoriaMilan is the most rapidly growing international site for anonymous dating.
Travel & Find
members anywhere
Have a discreet date with people from any location (and any nationality) - not just near you!
matches daily
With the help of our advanced search&matching system, you can easily find the perfect date.

Specifically Designed For Married & Attached People Seeking Affair

Victoria Milan is a new European dating site with millions of real users for married and attached people seeking confidential affairs.

Whether you seek an innocent and friendly web flirt, a casual one-night stand, or a long-term real-life affair, Victoria Milan promises to provide you with a safe, anonymous and confidential online environment.

Search and interact anonymously with thousands of married and attached members from all over Europe and Scandinavia. Our members are people just like you, seeking to relive that magical feeling once again.


our mission

to help you find a 100% likeminded passionate lover – while protecting your Marriage/Relationship and loved ones!

Do You Feel Trapped In A Monotonous And Passionless Marriage, Where Every Day Is The Same?

Are you in a situation where you feel more like friends with your spouse, rather than a romantic couple? Does your life revolve around work, taking care of the kids and doing mundane daily tasks?

Are you not getting the exciting and passionate intimacy that you desire and deserve? Do you find yourself constantly fantasizing about something better?

Something that would excite you? You feel stuck, not knowing what to do in order to make a change in your life…

The reality is that you’re not alone, millions of men are experiencing this right now.

But the fact is that you deserve to have your needs met. You deserve passion and excitement.

You deserve to be happy.

Fact is: life is short, and you don’t want to spend it being bored, unhappy and unfulfilled…

Imagine a passionate & discreet hotel rendezvous with a new mistress every week...

Imagine how exciting it would be to find an affair near you with someone in a similar situation as you, who understands what you’re going through and wants the same things as you? Imagine having a beautiful and seductive mistress you meet every week for a discreet, passionate hotel rendezvous? A mistress who does all the things that your wife wont do?

Or think of the rush you’d feel, if you could have exciting and frequent encounters with someone else’s hot and unfulfilled wife… maybe at a bar or a club? Imagine a passionate discreet encounter with someone you lust after… how much joy and excitement would that bring into your life? Or maybe you need even more variety and even more excitement… Imagine… having 3 mistresses…one for Monday, one for Thursday and one for Saturday…

Whatever you desire, whether just harmless online flirting or a full-blown affair, you deserve it… and with Victoria Milan you can have it… Go ahead, see if you qualify to Victoria Milan and start your next adventure in Your city as soon as tomorrow!

Worried About Getting Caught?

You might be thinking:
‘’This Is Risky! I don't want to get caught!
My photo might be recognized by someone I know!’’

How Victoria Milan Helps You Stay Safe & Discreet

Blur & Mask Photo Editing Tools

We’ve made it easy to conceal your face with our built-in masking tool, or to just hide some details you don’t want to be seen. You can add a blur, a black box, or a sexy mask to your photos.

Anonymous username

We won’t allow you to use your real name or even parts of it in your profile. You will be required to choose a 100% anonymous username that cannot be linked to your identity.

No Social Media Connection

Victoria Milan doesn’t connect with social media platforms like many popular dating sites.

The Panic Button

We’ve devised an always visible PanicButton that will instantly redirect you to an innocent website whenever you need an emergency exit from the website.

Untraceable Identity

We do not require any personal information to create a profile. Any information you submit is processed with top level security and confidentiality.


Our smart system recognizes your idle time. If you forget to logout, you will be automatically logged out from your account to prevent anyone using it.

Victoria Milan will show on my credit-card / bank statement!

VictoriaMilan will not appear on your bank statement! We change names often so you can rest assured, knowing that you won’t get caught by your significant other.

But Isn’t This Immoral?

6.2 Million People Can’t Be Wrong…

You might be thinking ‘’This is immoral! It feels bad betraying my wife/husband!’’

Did you know that 80 percent of early human societies were polygamous (multiple partners), instead of monogamous?

Humans evolved to be ‘socially monogamous,’ meaning that we choose one partner who we bond with while retaining a desire for other sexual partners.

In fact, David P. Brash, a professor at the University of Washington and author of several books on the topics of sex, evolution, and infidelity, says that: ‘’We aren't naturally inclined towards monogamy. Monogamy itself is a recent societal creation. Men and women are both inclined to seek multiple sexual partners for a variety of biological reasons.’’

The question arises then: Is it time to ditch, or rethink, monogamy as a standard?

And if your partner doesn’t know about your affair, she won’t be hurt by it. You’re only hurting your partner when you get caught and that’s why we help you stay safe & anonymous.

The reality is that you have one life to live and you deserve to be happy and fulfilled. If your needs are not met in your current relationship/marriage, you have to do something about it.

And, with VictoriaMilan, you control the limits of how far you want to take it, whether it’s just harmless online flirting or a real-life affair…

Start with harmless chatting and online flirting and see where it takes you…

Find someone who will fulfill your unfulfilled needs and makes you feel alive and excited again…

Bring passion, excitement and romance back into your life, without divorcing from your wife/husband.

EVERYONE’S DOING IT: Shocking Research Reveals 50% Of Married/Attached Cheat



Research shows that 50% of married or attached people cheat on their partner - but keep it a secret. And contrary to societal belief, just as many women cheat as men. 53% of married/attached women cheat on their partner, while 54% of married/attached men cheat on their partner. The reason why someone would cheat on their partner is obvious.

We all have certain emotional needs and if they are not fulfilled by our significant other, we naturally seek other ways to fulfill them. The best way to fulfill your unmet emotional needs and satisfy your cravings for variety is by having a secret affair with a likeminded married/attached woman. And having a secret affair doesn’t mean that you have to walk away from your current relationship. Secret relationships are meant to compliment your existing relationship, not replace it. They are meant to give you fulfillment in the areas that are left unfulfilled by your partner.

So, you don’t have to suffer anymore. If you’re not getting what you want in your current relationship, you can get it through VictoriaMilan. What are you waiting for?

Having A Secret Affair Is Not As Uncommon As You Think…

Brad Pitt with Angelina Jolie

Donald and Ivana Trump

Prince Charles with Camilla Parker Bowles

Arnold Schwarzenegger with Mildred Baena

Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy

Research Reveals:
Unhappy Marriage/Relationship Damages Your Physical And Emotional Health

Research shows that an unhappy marriage damages your physical and emotional health. Yet, most settle into just accepting it, becoming numb and depressed without hope for change. Having a secret affair that brings the excitement and passion back in your life can be very healthy for you – both mentally and physically. A secret affair can also make you feel more confident and self-assured; more engaged and alive. You have one life to live and you don’t have to spend it being unhappy and unhealthy, void of passion, excitement and romance. This is not what you signed up for and you deserve better. With VictoriaMilan, you can have a passionate, secret affair as early as tomorrow. Click below to see if you qualify to Victoria Milan and find your secret affair…

Isn’t Site’s Like This Filled With Fake Profiles or Bots?

You might be thinking ‘’Aren’t dating sites filled with fake profiles/bots?’’

At Victoria milan, All Profiles And Photos Are Verified

We dont’t let everybody in

At Victoria Milan, All Profiles And Photos Are Verified. We have thousands of real profiles registered by real people. We do not allow fake profiles and we encourage all members to report profiles they suspect are fake so we can investigate and take action.

It’s a monitored community

All members can easily report suspicious activities and profiles through our "report this user" icon located on the profile of all members. All users who violate our Terms of Agreement will be immediately and effectively blocked (IP, email, etc.).

82% Of Our Members State That They Use Victoria Milan As An Alternative To Divorce

If your partner is not fulling your emotional needs, you have 4 options…

Divorce/Breakup (you’ll lose your life partner and might negatively impact the relationship you have with your kids)

Fix Your Marriage Through Counseling (this requires you and your partner to be motivated to participate and make a change)

Infidelity (have a secret affair with a likeminded married/attached woman/man who will fulfill your unfulfilled needs and make you feel alive and excited again!)

Withstand/Suffer (continue living your life unfulfilled and miserable)

How can you use VM as an alternative to divorce? Divorcing from your partner can have a negative impact on your family and your life. And how about the positive aspects of your marriage? You’ll lose those too… If you don’t divorce your partner who’s not fulfilling your needs and you’re constantly experiencing problems, what can you do? Suffer and continue living your life unfulfilled?

You don’t have to…

With VictoriaMilan, you can take part in harmless and discreet online flirting or jump into a full-blown secret affair with someone else sexy and seductive wife, who’s struggling with the same things as you…This way, you’ll be able to fulfill your unmet emotional needs, unleash excitement and passion in your life… all while maintaining the positive parts of your relationship. You’ll experience newfound happiness, excitement and passion which will improve your marriage. Thousands of our members are already experiencing the benefits of secret affairs…it’s time to experience them yourself… Click below to see if you qualify to VictoriaMilan and find your secret affair…

Thank You Victoria!
Catherine & Leo

Nice, France

Fernanda & Aarón

Granada, Spain

Cláudia & Lucas

Salvador, Brazil

Vera & Josef

Brno, Czech

Unhappily Married Couple Found
Real Love Through Victoria Milan

A couple sent a thank you letter from wedding. They found each other through VM. They were both stuck in unhappy marriages, and they didn’t have the awareness on what love is. When they started to have an affair, they realized that they didn’t have real love in their previous marriages and now they found true love. They ended up married and thanked VM for connecting them.

Why You Should Choose Victoria Milan Over Others

Hook up apps
General dating sites
The Panic Button: We’ve devised an always visible PanicButton that will instantly redirect you to an innocent website whenever you need an emergency exit from the website.
Blur & Mask Photo Editing Tools: We’ve made it easy to conceal your face with our built-in masking tool, or to just hide some details you don’t want to be seen. You can add a blur, a black box, or a sexy mask to your photos.
Untraceable Identity: We do not require any personal information to create a profile. Any information you submit is processed with top level security and confidentiality.
Autologout™: Our smart system recognizes your idle time. If you forget to logout, you will be automatically logged out from your account to prevent anyone using it.
ChatExpire™: We let your chat messages to expire when read, after X seconds or X minutes – to allow for a traceless message and to safeguard your affair.
SSL Encryption: We do not allow illicit access to your profile, your data or your message by third parties. We also ensure that your subscriptions never appear on your bank statements.
Tips & Advice: Our team of infidelity experts will guide you step-by-step through your entire VictoriaMilan journey. We will be there with you on the sign-up process and on other matters you might need help with.
Anonymous username: We won’t allow you to use your real name or even parts of it in your profile. You will be required to choose a 100% anonymous username that cannot be linked to your identity.

Find A SECRET Affair And Feel Alive
& Excited Again…

100% Confidential
& Anonymous

Given the delicate nature of married affairs, anonymity and discreetness are of utmost importance when becoming a member of a married online affair site. As a member of VictoriaMilan you are 100% anonymous. We do not require nor accept any sensitive identifying personal information such as your name, address, phone number or such. It's easy! Simply create your own imaginary username and an anonymous email-account with one of the many free email providers like,, etc. and get started! You can begin your search and change your life forever! Get acquainted with interesting members and share more personal information as they gain your trust at a tempo you are comfortable with.

Verified Profiles & Photos

Victoria Milan has thousands of real profiles registered by real people, very likely located in your area. Unlike many sites currently available, we’re not a fake profile site. We are a real dating site with millions of real people, and we are proud of that fact. We do not allow fake profiles and we encourage all members to report profiles they suspect are fake so we can investigate and take action.

Flirt Online Or Do A Real-Life Affair, You Set The Boundaries…

With Victoria Milan, you control the limits of how far you want to take it, whether it’s just harmless online flirting or a real-life secret affair…Want to flirt online with likeminded married & attached women/men? Create a discreet profile for yourself and begin your search today! Desire something more?

Want to have a passionate encounter or secret hotel dates with someone else's sexy passionate housewife? Or do you desire passionate & exciting dates or romantic married affairs with someone else’s hot husband? We’ve got you covered. Create your anonymous profile and start searching today…

This could be you in a private, passionate hotel rendezvous in Your city!

Do you feel unhappy and unfulfilled in your relationship? Are you envious of your single friends who get to have all the fun? Do you feel like you’re missing out on all the passion, romance and excitement in your life? If you said yes to any of the above, then Victoria Milan is for you.

Imagine how exciting it would be to find a secret affair with someone in a similar situation as you, who understands you and wants the same things as you?

An exciting encounter with someone else’s sexy housewife? A private, passionate hotel rendezvous with someone else’s hot husband?

Imagine how it would feel like to start your next adventure in Your city today!

Travelling the world? Find discreet intimate affairs anywhere worldwide!

With VictoriaMilan, you can have discreet affairs with people from any location (and any nationality) – not just those near you!

Flirt Online Or Do A Real-Life Affair, You Set The Boundaries…

Explore VictoriaMilan on your device always with you. Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Worlds #1 For Married & Attached DATinG

World’s #1 For Married & Attached dating

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Anonymous members

Designed for married & attached
Verified profiles, supervised environment
Anonymize profile with Anonymity Tools
Privacy and Discretion guaranteed